Please enable JavaScript in your web browser's settings.
Nothing was inserted yet (the textarea is between this README and the settings in the bottom)
by clipboard-inserter extension.
When you insert, interface will change: zen mode will be activated (invisible scrollbar for windows with ≤599px width, no README, etc.).
Settings are at the bottom of the page.
The source code of this page was last updated at 2022-08-13T10:41:32+00:00
The latest models (i.e. file "" which should be placed in $somepath/fairseq/japaneseModel/) are:
* Offline Model 3.3 (2022-06-25, 0.5 GB .rar, @MingShiba: "manga score is a bit lower, but VN and LN score is substantially higher")
* Fusion Model 1.0 (2022-06-01, 0.5 GB .rar)
Announcements: Discord
Author of Sugoi-Japanese-Translator is @MingShiba (Patreon:
Author of this web frontend is Arzet Ro, so if it doesn't work, then write @arzet_ro in Telegram.

Queue = messages awaiting to be translated. They are translated in order, not in parallel.
Difference between cache and log is that cache contains only unique things.
E.g. if one heroine says "yes!", another says "no!", another says "yes!" again, then 3 records would be in log but only 2 records in cache.


(Linux) Browser's window can be made floating by pressing the hotkey in i3 WM/Sway WM (default: meta+shift+space), then be resized with meta+rightMouseButton, then be moved with meta+leftMouseButton.
(Linux) Browser's window can be made (not in Wayland) transparent (70%) with picom --opacity-rule='70:name *= "Su''goi-Jap"' White theme (Tenshin Ranman Lucky or Unlucky!?; upscaling 720p→1080p with cdmpv (hotkey a, then hotkey shift+4))
Black theme (Tenshin Ranman Lucky or Unlucky!?; upscaling 720p→1080p with cdmpv (hotkey a, then hotkey shift+4))
(Linux only, i3/Sway only, Chromium only) [Screenshot] Tabs/etc. can be hidden by pressing F11 (Chromium's hotkey), then meta+f (exits the fullscreen, that's i3's hotkey). Chromium will continue (mistakenly) think it is still in fullscreen, so it won't display unneccesary elements.

How to automatically move text from CTRL+C/V to here:

If you don't have clipboard-inserter, then get it from here: (works fine even locally = file://) (doesn't work locally, i.e. file:///)
Then EVERY TIME you reload this page, MAKE SURE to click the icon (sometimes two clicks are needed), so that there was green "ON" on the icon.
With both Firefox and Chrome, it seems there's some kind of bug in the above extension,
so the extension's CPU usage gradually becomes high despite not doing anything.
This can be "fixed" by going to the Addons page (about:addons) and Disable&Enable it every 1-2 thousand of CTRL+C/CTRL+V.
Also the extension has a memory leak that can be fixed by clicking on the icon (on, off).

By default clipboard-inserter has the poll interval of 300ms,
i.e. it checks the Copy/Paste Clipboard Buffer for updates every 300ms,
which means a message will be skipped if you press Enter two times very quickly.

This number can be changed in the extension's settings. Probably 100 ms is good.
Also decreasing by 200 ms means that the translation request is sent to Sugoi-Japanese-Translator by 1-199ms earlier.
The disadvantage is extension's CPU usage increases proportionally:
On Ryzen 2600, 300 ms is 1.5% CPU core usage (only one CPU thread is used). 100 ms is 4.5%.

How to automatically move text from a VN to CTRL+C/V

Use (for me it works perfectly in Wine)
Don't forget to update it sometimes to get new hooks.

Must-have Extension

When you feel that a wrong word is chosen by the neural network (it will often happen because it doesn't know the full context.), you have to use:
I.e. you just hover your mouse over a character, and then a character's and/or word's meanings appear in English and also in your browser's language if such dictionary exist.
If nothing happens upon hovering, click on the extension's icon (black background=enabled, grey=disabled).
On the icon there is a number "10" in case you can't find it.
It has many settings, you can even enable romaji (i.e. latin script).
If you've installed this extension just now, then refresh this page.

It also shows tones unlike Rikaikun. In short: when there is a line above a character, then use high tone, else low tone. If you have difficulties with pronouncing tones, then use a low/high volume instead of low/high tone for now, more info:

Or you can use another similar extension Yomichan, but don't forget to add "Kanjium (Pitch dictionary)".


Names in ~16% cases are translated wrong (because there are multiple readings) or sometimes they become nouns, e.g. "Sora" might become "sky".
Also use (rules from all levels sorted by alphabet) when the above extension isn't enough. If you already played tens of voiced VNs, you would recognise >80% of them.
If you decide to learn some Japanese grammar, start with N5 level, then N4,... (4-5 minutes to fully comprehend any rule)
The initial main motivation could be for you is that not all emotional particles can be translated into English unlike Lojban (ref. grammar, particles).
Also you can use to learn katakana, hiragana, basic grammar and vocabulary (for me Duolingo is like a game unlike e.g. Anki).
Some basic (i.e. N5) grammar and vocabulary are necessary (but still not enough though) to play e.g. twin loli gods' route in Akeiro Kaikitan where they two speak one-two syllables by turns like they have a shared mind. Without them, you won't know where the words begin and/or end.
If you're lazy and newbie, then at least pay attention only to the grammar terms on mentioned above. E.g. wa="when talking about X"=set context, ga=subject, o=object, no≈"of", to iu koto, zo, -te, to (quote, "and"), etc., etc., etc..

With all of the above you are ready to sensibly consume machine translation, congratulations.

The code in this web frontend has built-in deduplication ("[OEU][OEU" shall become "OEU]"), but very rarely the original source also has duplication on purpose (sentence "sukisuki" mistakenly would become "suki" and only then be translated).

You can save this page for offline usage. But don't forget to update it sometimes by visiting & Ctrl+s

Links related to Sugoi-Japanese-Translator itself

Linux (the easiest way: with Wine)

Just in case change
(If you don't change, then you would likely need to specify or something in the settings)

wine 'Sugoi-Translator-Offline (click here).bat'
The UI will close with "Uncaught exception" in 10-20 secs, but don't pay attention to that,
because there's still the translation server running. If you are on Linux, then first check that the Sugoi's backend works:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"message":"translate sentences","content":"いかにも噂話というパターンではあったが、とにかく、多くの人が知っていた。"}' http://localhost:14366/ The result should be "It was just a rumor, but in any case, a lot of people knew." The quotes "" are because the output is a JSON string.

Linux (without Wine)
On Arch Linux, downgrade python-antlr4 to 4.9.3-2: mkdir /tmp/python-antlr4-4.9.3 cd /tmp/python-antlr4-4.9.3 wget wget makepkg -si
and add python-antlr4 to /etc/pacman.conf's IgnorePkg=... to prevent it from upgrading.

How to run: cd backendServer/Program-Backend/Sugoi-Translator-Offline/offlineTranslation/fairseq/ nice -n 19 python sugee/ If you have CUDA and want 3-5x more speed, then add --gpu

Linux (misc. info)

You can use this upscaler (quality is better than Magpie) for most VNs:
A much better overengineered Linux-only universal upscaler/first-ever-universal-upframerater will be later.